
We accept donations online or by check. We have no overhead expenses/salaries so all donations go to provide the service we offer.

Your support makes a difference to real lives where it matters the most. Contributions of any amount are important and are very appreciated.

To donate online, either as a one-time gift or a recurring contribution. Please click the “Jackson Neighbors in Need” title or the box picture under it. You will be directed to the donate page on the Mountain Projects PayPal portal.

If you select the “Mountain Project” title it will take you to a Mountain Projects page. Just use the back button and select the links above it to make a dotion.

To donate by check:

Checks should be payable to “Mountain Projects, Inc.” with “JNIN” noted on the memo line.

Contributions may be mailed to:

Jackson Neighbors In Need
154 Medical Park Loop, Sylva, NC 28779